BlogSMMAHow to Get Inbound Leads for Your SMMA in 2023

How to Get Inbound Leads for Your SMMA in 2023

Trying out inbound techniques for generating leads for your SMMA can be worthwhile, as executed correctly, you can often generate leads on autopilot for free.

If you want to profit from this kind of lead generation, stay tuned because we’ll discuss how to implement these techniques into your own agency.

Understanding the Importance of Inbound Leads

There are many more benefits to consider aside from the obvious and most appealing, which is the free time you gain from not doing outreach anymore.

Enhanced Lead Quality:

Inbound leads are often of higher quality compared to outbound leads. When potential clients find your agency through content or organic search, they are most likely actively seeking the services you provide. This results in more relevant and qualified leads, increasing the likelihood of conversion.


Traditional outbound marketing and advertising can be costly and may not always yield the desired results. Similarly, cold outreach via email or calls are time-intensive tasks. Depending on the size of your SMMA, that time is worth even more than advertising.

Inbound leads, on the other hand, can be acquired through content creation, SEO, social media, and other organic methods. With the right strategy, you can significantly reduce customer acquisition costs/time and maximize your return on investment.

Establishing Authority and Trust:

Inbound marketing allows you to showcase your expertise and industry knowledge. By creating valuable content for your target audience, you position your agency as knowledgeable. This approach raises trust and credibility, making potential clients more comfortable choosing your services over competitors.

Long-Term Sustainability:

Inbound lead generation builds a foundation for long-term sustainability. Once your content is published and optimized, it continues to attract potential clients indefinitely. Unlike outbound efforts that require ongoing resources, inbound leads can keep flowing without constant intervention, providing a consistent stream of opportunities.

Why is Social Media an Important Part of Inbound Marketing?

As you’ve already seen, quality content is one driver for inbound marketing. It’s smart to provide such quality content on social media. Here’s why incorporating social media is essential for successful inbound lead generation:

Amplifying Your Reach:

Social media platforms have billions of active users, making them powerful channels to expand your reach. By sharing your valuable content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, you can reach a wider audience and attract potential clients who might not have discovered your agency otherwise.

Building Engagement and Community:

Social media allows for direct interaction with your audience, this helps you to engage with potential clients on a personal level. Responding to comments, and messages, and participating in discussions humanizes your agency.

Driving Traffic to Your Content:

Social media serves as a bridge that directs users to your website and content. When you share blog posts, videos, or other valuable resources on your social media channels, you entice users to visit your website, where they can explore more about your services and expertise. The more traffic you get, the higher the chance to get inbound leads.


Encourage your satisfied clients to share their experiences on social media and tag your agency. This helps you easily build up testimonials, that prove your agency is competent.

How to Create Valuable Content that Attracts Inbound Leads

To generate inbound leads you need valuable content, otherwise you experience the opposite effects of inbound marketing and you seem like an incompetent agency.

Here are a few tricks to create valuable content:

Understand Your Audience’s Pain Points:

To craft content that captures your audience’s attention, you must first understand their pain points and challenges. If you already have some clients, ask them what they want to know about marketing and strategies. Use their answers as inspiration for your content.

Focus on Educational Content:

Inbound marketing is all about providing value rather than pushing sales. Create content that educates your audience first and not yourself. Share industry insights, tips, tutorials, and case studies that showcase your expertise and offer practical solutions to your audience’s problems.

Utilize Different Content Formats:

Diversify your content to cater to various preferences and learning styles. Some people prefer reading blog posts, while others enjoy watching videos, shorts, reels, or TikToks. See which content type suits you the best and double down on a maximum of 3 of them.

Optimize Content for SEO:

If you opt to write blog posts for your SMMA, it’s important to optimize your content and website for SEO (great resource from Semrush). This doesn’t mean for search engines but for the end user. Provide great UX design and formatting in your posts, which is considered best practice for SEO.

Also, use images or graphs to highlight certain topics and improve your SEO further.

Consistency and Regularity:

If you stick to creating content for a long period of time, you will see success. I’ve never seen anyone who’s created content for more than two years and hasn’t seen at least some traction, sales, leads, or whatever your goal is.

Monitor Analytics and Iterate:

This is as simple as seeing what works for you and doubling down on that.

Using live chat to engage with potential clients

I’ve actually never seen this strategy being told anywhere else. It can be seen more as a fishing net to hook the traffic, landing on your home page (from the efforts of your inbound marketing techniques) into communicating with you and, again, humanizing your agency.

How to install live chat on your website

If you’re using WordPress, it’s quite easy to get live chat functionality on your website. You can use this plugin, which has a nice dashboard and great settings which allow you to interact with your potential clients.

I highly encourage you to try this method because traction doesn’t help you when you can’t convert.


Utilizing inbound lead generation techniques in 2023 can greatly benefit your SMMA. With higher lead quality, cost-effectiveness, and the establishment of trust, inbound leads offer long-term sustainability (if you’re into that). 

Social media is very important in expanding your reach and driving traffic to your content i.e. website. 

Additionally, using live chat on your website can enhance client communication and conversion. Embrace these strategies to propel your agency’s growth and thrive in the competitive market. Good luck!

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